Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Microsoft's Spartan Browser Is Here To Save You From Internet Explorer

Microsoft's Spartan Browser Is Here To Save You From Internet Explorer

During Microsoft's consumer-focused Windows 10 press conference today, the company created something that many of us have been waiting for, a Microsoft alternative to Internet Explorer—Meet (codename) Spartan. But will not be in the first insider builds and will be on smartphones after that.

Microsoft Joe Belfiore gave us a quick tour of the new browser. One of the coolest modes was note-taking mode, which sounds exactly what you'd think. You can draw directly on the webpage, which captures the images, and also collaborate with others.

Microsoft's Spartan Browser Is Here To Save You From Internet Explorer

The next mode is specifically for reading. You can rearrange web pages to make them easier to read however you'd like. You can also curate a Reading List that will sync across phones and tablets. Think of all the "will read later" services out there, such as Instapaper (etc.), but baked right into the browser. Pretty neat!

Microsoft's Spartan Browser Is Here To Save You From Internet Explorer

But that's not the only baked in feature. Cortana will also be built right into Spartan. Cortana will pop into the address bar and fill in information if thinks you're looking for. For example, Belfiore only typed in "Delta" and it brought up any related flight information right into the address bar. And if you're looking for specific information on restaurants or movie theaters, Cortana will also pop in a side window, providing all the information you'd need (shown below). Double neat!

Microsoft's Spartan Browser Is Here To Save You From Internet Explorer

Interestingly enough, one of the biggest rumors about Spartan, that it would support Chrome extensions, made no appearance Microsoft's event or if it'll be unfettered from Windows-based hardware. Unfortunately, we won't be able to get a closer look at Spartan for another "3, 4, or 5 months."

We're updating this story in real time. As long as you see this message at the bottom of the post, refresh your browser every so often for more details!

from Gizmodo

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