Tuesday, September 30, 2014

High Availability in Horizontally-Scaled Applications

The networking industry has a somewhat unique relationship with high availability. For compute, storage, and applications, failures are somewhat tolerable because they tend to be more isolated (a single server going down rarely impacts the rest of the servers). However, the network’s central role in connecting resources makes it harder to contain failures. Because of this, availability has been an exercise in driving uptime to near 100 percent.

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/high_availability_in_horizontallyscaled_applicati.html

R: ggplot - Plotting multiple variables on a line chart

In my continued playing around with meetup data I wanted to plot the number of members who join the Neo4j group over time. I wanted to plot the actual count alongside a rolling average for which I created the following data frame:

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/r_ggplot_plotting_multiple_variables_on_a_line_ch.html

Oracle Joins The Cloud Price Wars

The cloud price wars have reached the shores of Oracle. The company wants to increase its cloud presence and it's willing to get down and dirty on pricing with AWS to get Database as a Service customers.

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/oracle_joins_the_cloud_price_wars.html

Geek Reading September 29, 2014

I have talked about human filters and my plan for digital curation. These items are the fruits of those ideas, the items I deemed worthy from my daily reading. These items are a combination of tech business news, development news and programming tools and techniques. You will note that some of the formatting has changed, and that is due to the change in my process. Formatting, and the information presented, is likely to change a bit as I develop my new process.

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/geek_reading_september_29_2014.html

What Changed in RavenDB 3.0: Replication

Replication is kinda important to RavenDB. It is the building block for high availability and transparent failover, it is how we do scale out in many cases. I think that you won’t be surprised to hear that we have done a lot of work around that area as well.

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/what_changed_in_ravendb_30_replication.html

Load-Testing Guidelines

Load-testing is not trivial. It’s often not just about downloading JMeter or Gatling, recording some scenarios and then running them. It’s good to be reminded of some things that can potentially waste time.

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/loadtesting_guidelines.html

Shellshock Could Be Worse than Heartbleed

Last week we reported on the latest bug, Shellshock, threatening the internet and potentially millions of websites and online devices. While Shellshock is potentially even worse than Heartbleed, which was widely publicized and discussed back in April, there are drastically varying opinions coming out about how bad it will be. As we reported last week, the U.S. governments Department of Homeland Security is rating this bug as a 10, on a scale of 1 to 10. In contrast, Apple has come out stating that while the bug is easy to exploit, most Apple customers do not have to worry and are safe from exposure to this. In their press release on Friday they stated,

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/shellshock_could_be_worse_than_heartbleed.html

ASP.NET Web Api: Unwrapping HTTP Error Results and Model State Dictionaries Client-Side

When working with ASP.NET Web Api from a .NET client, one of the more confounding things can be handling the case where errors are returned from the Api. Specifically, unwrapping the various types of errors which may be returned from a specific API action method, and translating the error content into meaningful information for use be the client.

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/aspnet_web_api_unwrapping_http_error_results_and.html

JavaRoots: MULE FTP : Create Directory If Not Exist

MULE FTP : Create Directory If Not Exist

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/javaroots_mule_ftp_create_directory_if_not_exist.html

Android Mobile Test Automation with Selendroid

Selendroid is a test automation framework which drives off the UI of Android native and hybrid applications (apps) and the mobile web. Tests are written using the Selenium 2 client API - that's it!

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/android_mobile_test_automation_with_selendroid.html

Android Third Party Libraries and SDK's

Below are some of the popular android third party libraries. Over past few years, the age of mobile development become an fiercely-competitive world of serious money making business.

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/android_third_party_libraries_and_sdks.html

Gradle Goodness: Running Groovy Scripts as Application

In a previous post we learned how to run a Java application in a Gradle project. The Java source file with a main method is part of the project and we use the JavaExec task to run the Java code. We can use the same JavaExec task to run a Groovy script file.

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/gradle_goodness_running_groovy_scripts_as_applica.html

Bullet-proof SQL - Hadoop's Real Battleground

Ever since Hadoop’s second generation release in late 2013 brought it closer to enterprise capability acceptance, the blogosphere has been ringing with the sound of commentators proclaiming what was still lacking, and what hurdles that yellow elephant needed to jump in order to truly burst into the mainstream.

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/bulletproof_sql_hadoops_real_battleground.html

One-Phase-Commit: Fast Transactions For In-Memory Caches

By ensuring that all objects participating in a transaction are mapped to the same logical partition, we can remove the whole "prepare" phase from the distributed commit protocol, thus converting the standard 2-Phase-Commit into very light weight 1-Phase-Commit transactions.

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/onephasecommit_fast_transactions_for_inmemory_cac_2.html

Unit Testing Config and Run Blocks in AngularJS

A tip on unit testing logic written in config and run blocks of AngularJS applications

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/unit_testing_config_and_run_blocks_in_angularjs.html

Shades of Trunk Based Development

I’m going to try to explain the alternatives for Trunk Based Development (TBD) in terms of branch layout. There’s few different styles, that different types of development organization might try to implement.

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/shades_of_trunk_based_development.html

AngularJS – How to Use AngularJS with Legacy UI Code?

This article presents tips on how to use AngularJS with legacy UI code, which could present challenges such as those described later in this article. Please feel free to leave comment/suggest if I failed to mention one or more important points. Also, sorry for the typos.

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/angularjs_how_to_use_angularjs_with_legacy_ui_code_2.html

Three Features You Need in Your Database

Whether you’ve made the decision to launch an e-commerce platform in the future or you’re figuring out if your current configuration needs a facelift, choosing the database that will power your site is one of the most important decisions you’ll make.

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/three_features_you_need_in_your_database.html

Akka Notes: Logging and Testing Actors - 2

In the first two parts (one, two), we briefly talked about Actors and how messaging works. In this part, let's look at fixing up Logging and Testing our TeacherActor.

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/akka_notes_logging_and_testing_actors_2.html

Getting the Best out of Scrum

The best known project management framework with an Agile approach is Scrum. For something that is relatively simple to understand there is a lot of hype surrounding it. But why?

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/getting_the_best_out_of_scrum.html

RESTful Java with JAX-RS 2.0 - book review

Short review of RESTful Java with JAX-RS 2.0 by Bill Burke.

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/restful_java_with_jaxrs_20_book_review.html

Predictive Models of Development Teams and the Systems They Build

In 1968 Melvin Conway pointed out a seemingly inevitable symmetry between organisations and the software systems they construct. Organisations today are more fluid than 40 years ago, with short developer tenure, and frequent migration of individuals between projects and employers. In

from dzone.com: latest front page http://www.dzone.com/links/r/predictive_models_of_development_teams_and_the_sy.html

Why This Michigan Manufacturing Company Wants To Hire More Ex-Cons

The firm is part of a project to show that a candidate's criminal past doesn't have to be a deal-breaker in hiring--and it could even be an asset.

When Jahaun McKinley was released from prison, he ran into a common problem: It's extremely difficult to get a job after you have a criminal record.

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from Co.Exist http://www.fastcoexist.com/3036162/why-this-michigan-manufacturing-company-wants-to-hire-more-ex-cons?partner=rss

New Interstellar poster and trailers show more of the spaceship

New Interstellar poster and trailers show more of the spaceship

I'm so stoked about this movie that I may start wearing my spaceman pijamas out of the house. So stoked that, even while I'm always against trailers, I'm glad they keep releasing new material, like the banner above or the barrage of international and TV trailers below.

SPLOID is a new blog about awesome stuff. Join us on Facebook

SPLOID is a new blog about awesome stuff. Join us on Facebook

from Gizmodo http://sploid.gizmodo.com/new-interstellar-poster-and-trailers-show-more-of-the-s-1640724113/+barrett

Priceline 增持约 1.35 亿美元价值携程股份

据 Benzinga 报道,本月初投资携程之后,Priceline 继续增加对携程的参与。日前,Priceline 通过公开股权交易增持了约 1.35 亿美元价值的携程股份。到目前为止,Priceline 对携程的投资总额达到 6.35 亿美元,总持股份额达 5.84%。本次增持经由 Priceline 旗下子公司多次交易获得。

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from 36氪 | 关注互联网创业 http://www.36kr.com/p/215845.html

A Time-management Strategy to Shave 1 Day Off Your Workweek

A busy CEO shares her favorite strategy for maintaining a 3-4 day workweek.

from Inc.com http://www.inc.com/ariana-ayu/a-time-management-strategy-to-shave-1-day-off-your-workweek.html

Saint Laurent: A Darker Look at Innovation

French designer Yves Saint Laurent revolutionized the fashion industry. But a new biopic shows that his fame and fortune came at a price.

from Inc.com http://www.inc.com/zoe-henry/saint-laurent-a-darker-look-at-innovation.html

Customer Experience Is the New Battleground

One of the last ways in which it's still easy to best competitors is by offering superior features and service to customers.

from Inc.com http://www.inc.com/josh-linkner/customer-experience-is-the-new-battleground.html





from 雷锋网 http://www.leiphone.com/news/201409/ip6dE0UTmrvnEDbK.html

三星将为苹果供应iPad Air 2和12.9寸iPad Pro显示屏面板

据外媒报道,三星将为苹果供应第二代iPad Air和12.9寸iPad Pro显示屏面板。这些面板将采用IPS技术,与苹果目前iPad显示屏的技术相同,三星将于未来几个月投入生产。

据悉,iPad Air 2将采用更薄的机身设计,搭载A8芯片,内置2GB内存,支持Apple Pay支付服务及Touch ID指纹识别传感器,或将于今年第四季度发售。12.9寸iPad Pro可能搭载A8X处理器,或将于2015年初发布。

from 雷锋网 http://www.leiphone.com/news/201409/w2wbHACcHCDHiefQ.html

eBay Akan Membahagikan PayPal Kepada Syarikat Berasingan Pada 2015

eBay hari ini secara rasminya mengumumkan yang mana mereka akan membahagikan operasi dan syarikat antara eBay dan PayPal secara berasingan, bermula daripada pertengahan kedua 2015 kelak.

from Amanz http://amanz.my/2014/09/ebay-akan-membahagian-paypal-kepada-syarikat-berasingan-pada-2015/

Hong Kong’s #OccupyCentral protests generate over 1.3 million tweets

According to Twitter, Hong Kong's protests have so far generated over 1.3 million tweets from participants, eyewitnesses, and supporters from around the globe.

from Tech in Asia http://www.techinasia.com/hong-kong-protests-generate-over-1-millon-tweets/

Hong Kong protesters use a mesh network to organise

To communicate with one another, activists on the city's streets are relying on the free FireChat app to send messages without any cell connection

from New Scientist - Online news http://feeds.newscientist.com/c/749/f/10897/s/3efa517d/sc/15/l/0L0Snewscientist0N0Carticle0Cdn262850Ehong0Ekong0Eprotesters0Euse0Ea0Emesh0Enetwork0Eto0Eorganise0Bhtml0Dcmpid0FRSS0QNSNS0Q20A120EGLOBAL0Qonline0Enews/story01.htm

牙刷也有藍牙,Oral-B P7000 白金級電動牙刷雙週使用心得


from Engadget 中文版 RSS Feed http://chinese.engadget.com/2014/09/30/oral-b-p7000-platinum-black-review/?ncid=rss_truncated

Samsung 也要推出黑白版本 NX300M?

之前 Leica 曾經推出過只能夠拍攝黑白照片的 M Monocrome,這個定位特別的相機,並沒有帶來太大的迴響,不過最近有消息指 Samsung 也可能會推出類似的產品。繼續閱讀了解更多。

The post Samsung 也要推出黑白版本 NX300M? appeared first on UNWIRE.HK 流動科技生活.

from UNWIRE.HK 流動科技生活 http://unwire.hk/2014/09/30/samsung-working-black-white-nx/dc/

WORA Is Better Than Native

When “Write Once Run Anywhere” is done right it can produce applications that are “better” than native apps by targeting the highest common denominator. Some would claim that native is the best approach, but that looks at existing WORA tools/communities, which mostly target cost saving. In fact, even native Android/iOS tools produce rather bad results […]

from Java Code Geeks http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2014/09/wora-is-better-than-native.html

The fastest way of drawing UML class diagrams

A picture is worth a thousand words Understanding a software design proposal is so much easier once you can actually visualize it. While writing diagrams might take you an extra effort, the small time investment will pay off when others will require less time understanding your proposal. Software is a means, not a goal We […]

from Java Code Geeks http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2014/09/the-fastest-way-of-drawing-uml-class-diagrams.html

Here's Your First Look at P.T. Anderson's Insane Pynchon Adaptation, "Inherent Vice"

A killer cast, including Joaquin Phoenix, Benecio del Toro, and Reese Witherspoon, appears to be only one of the treats in the stylish, offbeat epic promised by this trailer.

The most surprising thing about New York Times' recent profile of Paul Thomas Anderson, aside from the high sodium in the director's salt-and-pepper beard, is the reference point he gives for his latest film.

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from Co.Create http://www.fastcocreate.com/3036439/heres-your-first-look-at-pt-andersons-insane-pynchon-adaptation-inherent-vice?partner=rss



为了给用户腾出时间销号或转移,早在今年7月1日的时候Google就已经发布了即将关闭Orkut的消息。从那一天其新用户注册功能就已经关闭。老用户则可以利用这段时间导出数据。但9月30日以后,所有用户都将无法再登录Orkut,也无法将自己在Orkut 里的资料导出到Google+上。不过为了让用户缅怀历史,Google开放了这10年的归档信息。

创立于2004年的Orkut是Google在社交网络方面的首次尝试。尽管早期在印度和巴西等地取得有限的成功,但后来还是在Facebook等社交网络的冲击丧失了领地。随后Google又推出了新的社交网络Google+。对于无法取得成功的产品,Google历来就有大扫除的传统。很显然,关闭Orkut是为了把自己的力量集中在Google+上面。但是尽管Google+有11亿多的用户,其用户活跃率却只有35%左右,远低于Facebook的11.3亿。而且最近Google也不再强制用户在注册Gmail的同时建立Google+ 账号了,也许预示着搜索巨头已经放弃了要在社交网络领域与Facebook及Twitter一争高下的努力


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from 36氪 | 关注互联网创业 http://www.36kr.com/p/215844.html

How to Plan the Perfect Offsite: 8 Tips

Done right, a change in scenery can spark creativity, give people a psychological break from their usual routines and foster team-building.

from Inc.com http://www.inc.com/christina-desmarais/how-to-plan-the-perfect-offsite-8-tips.html

How to Go Fast In a Startup (Without Losing Control)

Knowing the difference can be the reason your startup either wins the race or fails to finish.

from Inc.com http://www.inc.com/matt-ehrlichman/how-to-go-fast-in-a-startup-without-losing-control.html

13 Ways to Fight Back Against Impostor Syndrome

Feeling like you're faking it is super common. Luckily, that means lots of folks have come up with effective counter measures to fight these worries.

from Inc.com http://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/13-ways-to-fight-back-against-impostor-syndrome.html

10 Things I Learned by Studying Every Shark Tank Pitch Ever Made

During its first five seasons, nearly 400 entrepreneurs have appeared on Shark Tank to pitch their ideas. In honor of the 6th season premiere, I analyzed every single one of them and found key lessons for anyone who wants to be successful.

from Inc.com http://www.inc.com/bill-murphy-jr/10-things-i-learned-by-studying-every-shark-tank-pitch-ever-made.html

The 9 People You Meet in (Business) Hell

You'll definitely recognize them... and need to get rid of them. Right now.

from Inc.com http://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/the-9-people-you-meet-in-business-hell.html

What Are Banks Really Doing with Your Personal Information?

Thanks to technology, banks are on the cutting edge of the big data trend, crunching billions of data points per day. But what are banks and financial institutions actually doing with your data?

from Inc.com http://www.inc.com/vince-passione/what-are-banks-really-doing-with-your-personal-information.html

These Popular Bluetooth Speakers Are Only $30 Each Today

These Popular Bluetooth Speakers Are Only $30 Each Today

Whether you're taking them to the beach, a tailgate, or just using them to boost your iPad's volume in the kitchen, Bluetooth speakers are incredibly handy, and we've found a couple of highly-rated models for just $30 each today.

Over on Amazon, Creative Airwave's portable speaker is only $30, today only. That's well below the speaker's normal $40+ range, and a great bargain for what you get. The speaker has an integrated 12 hour battery, NFC for easy pairing with Android devices, and a microphone for placing voice calls.

Head over to Staples, and you'll find the extremely popular Jabra Solemate Mini is also $30 after promo code 86128. The catch is that you'll need a filler item to reach the $40 minimum (this $1 Galaxy S4 case should work), so really you'll be spending $31. The Solemate normally goes for $60 or more around the web, and though it lacks NFC and its battery only lasts 8 hours, reviews indicate that its sound quality is superior to the Creative Airwave's.

Honestly, you can't go wrong either way; just be sure to grab one of these before they sell out.

This post is brought to you by the Commerce Team. We bring you the best deals every morning on Kinja Deals, and collaborate with you to find the best products on Kinja Co-Op. We operate independently of Editorial, and if you take advantage of a deal we recommend, we may get a small share of the sale. Connect with us on Twitter and Facebook. We read the comments, and we want your feedback.

Follow us for the best deals on the Internet, and check out http://t.co/w8ke7mw7nT

— Kinja Deals (@KinjaDeals) June 9, 2014

from Gizmodo http://deals.kinja.com/these-popular-bluetooth-speakers-are-only-30-each-toda-1640708582/+shepmcallister

ACE, formerly a Singapore government-led entrepreneurship entity, now in startup mode

ACE has privatized. It's also looking at expanding its reach internationally.

from Tech in Asia http://www.techinasia.com/ace-singapore-governmentled-entrepreneurship-entity-startuplike/

Singapore’s peer-to-peer ecommerce startup Carousell eyes Taiwan for expansion

The Singapore-based startup launched a traditional Chinese app in hopes of capturing a slice of the Taiwan market.

from Tech in Asia http://www.techinasia.com/singapores-peer-to-peer-ecommerce-startup-carousell-eyes-taiwan-for-expansion/

These Neighborhoods Squeeze Onto Empty Rooftops And Parking Lots To Help Solve London's Housing Crisis

When a city runs out of space, why not start building communities in neglected places?

As London struggles to build affordable new housing for a quickly growing population, one designer has a suggestion: New communities could sprout up on rooftops and in place of old parking garages, with architecture inspired by centuries-old local design.

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from Co.Exist http://www.fastcoexist.com/3035854/these-neighborhoods-squeeze-onto-empty-rooftops-and-parking-lots-to-help-solve-londons-housi?partner=rss

8 Ways Rail Travel Could Evolve By 2050

With world population growing and moving to cities, we're going to need far better rail design than exists today. From driverless trains to ticketless travel, here's a glimpse of how it could look.

With Amtrak continuing to hobble along on less-than-generous funding, the present moment may not feel like a "renaissance" for the railroad in the U.S.. But that's how it looks in much of the world. Countries like China have been investing heavily in trains (including 300 mph Maglevs), and all signs point to the trend continuing. With nine billion people expected on the planet by 2050--and the majority of us living in cities--there's bound to be a need for efficient, environmentally-sensitive transit that doesn't use up too much space.

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from Co.Exist http://www.fastcoexist.com/3036165/8-ways-rail-travel-could-evolve-by-2050?partner=rss

Monday, September 29, 2014

Every Time You Save Calories, This App Donates Them To A Food Bank

Upending your mother's favorite argument--there are people starving in this world--for why you should clean your plate (and therefore, overeat).

Americans live with a sad irony: More than 200 million of us are overweight or obese, but another 49 million don't have enough to eat. A new app aims to help with both problems.

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from Co.Exist http://www.fastcoexist.com/3036296/every-time-you-save-calories-this-app-donates-them-to-a-food-bank?partner=rss

Stop Bending the Apple Store's iPhones

Stop Bending the Apple Store's iPhones

In the wake of the uproar that followed last week's purported iPhone 6 Plus pliability problem, some people have apparently taken it upon themselves to go into Apple Stores and bend iPhones. And while it pains us that this even needs to be said, guys, please: Breaking private property doesn't prove anything. Except that you're an asshole.

The most notable case of bandit benders so far comes in the form of a couple of British teens, who tried to stick it to the man by breaking wildly expensive smartphones that they did not pay for. As the Daily Dot notes, in the five-minute video the pair posted online, the kids not only recorded themselves breaking thousands of dollars worth of hardware for all the internet to see, but they round it all off with a solid "I don't even care to be honest, because it's Apple's fault." Except that no, it's not.

Stop Bending the Apple Store's iPhones

Im about to go to the Apple Store and try and bend the iPhone 6*

— Atlas (@ooAtlas) September 24, 2014

Apple itself acknowledges that there are confirmed issues with new iPhones bending under some circumstances. But intentionally seeking to destroy an iPhone 6 Plus doesn't mean it was poorly built, any more than walking into Best Buy with a baseball bat and smashing TVs doesn't mean that the TVs should be more shatter-proof. It just means that you're an idiot.

But they're kids, you might say. Kids make mistakes. They sure do! And hopefully these particular teens have been publicly shamed enough that they'll at least make their criminal activity less absurdly indictable in the future. But it's not just kids that are doing this. Full-grown, literate, presumably mentally sound adults are walking into Apple Stores, bending iPhone 6 Plus floor models, and sharing their abuse of private property under the pretext that this somehow validates people's complaints.

Just stopped in an AT&T store to try and bend a 6+. You have to be kidding me. That is not bendable. $AAPL

— Walter Piecyk (@WaltBTIG) September 26, 2014

Why are you doing this? What is there to prove? Apple has received at least 9 official complaints. Some users have bent their iPhones through typical use. Consumer Reports did determine the exact amount of pressure required to bend it. And physicists have acknowledged that, yes, this phone does have some weak points. All of this is already established. When you go breaking private property on purpose, you're not proving anything. You're just creating noise. You're distracting from the real conversation that needs to be had, which is just how common is this bending under normal circumstances, not under the circumstance where you intentionally act like a half-wit.

So please, stop going into Apple Stores to break the iPhones. And for god's sake, don't put it on the internet if you do.

from Gizmodo http://gizmodo.com/stop-bending-the-apple-stores-iphones-1640310111