Saturday, January 17, 2015

Evil Glitterbomb Genius Is Looking To Cash Out

Evil Glitterbomb Genius Is Looking To Cash Out

Earlier this week, we brought you news of deliciously evil prank site, which, for a modest fee, will ship your enemies glitter. Unfortunately, it seems the world has too many enemies and not enough glitter: the man behind the site is overwhelmed and selling out.

Mathew Carpenter doesn't seem too enamoured with his new-found fame. He took to Product Hunt to post this endearing message to his fans:

Evil Glitterbomb Genius Is Looking To Cash Out

He then put the site up for auction on Flippa, where the current bid is $61,100. It is unclear how much glitter you get for that, but you do at least get the domain name, website, and $20,000 worth of back-orders. [Flippa via Ars Technica]

from Gizmodo

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